Wandering in life we were looking for peers, peers who are engaged in consciousness development. Developing their knowledge, their empathy, their body and mind. Development in the broadest sense of the word.
Helped by a motley collection of philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, wise men and women and inspired by the moments of beauty, goodness and truth that the world lets you experience, we have been traveling around in amazement and looking for, yes looking for what really? A little love? Who knows?
Peers we searched for and peers we found, and we think more people have that same need. So this is a place for peers.
Apples are welcome too.
And by coming together, as a nice side effect, we want to make the world a little nicer.
Learning, sharing, playing and building together.

We dream of a development-oriented society, in which everyone is guided with wisdom and full of compassion to become the person they can be. Both cognitively and emotionally, in contact with others, as far as self-knowledge and spirituality is concerned. We see (development in) wisdom and compassion as the key to the society that will be needed to face the problems of the future.
Eight Fundamental Principles
- Growth happens spontaneously when internal and external barriers are removed. Spirituality is a means to this end, not an end in itself.
- Development of the body and mind go hand in hand.
- Knowledge about development processes helps to stimulate development. We seek this knowledge together and share it.
- For development you need a holding environment where you feel at home and safe and where you are challenged. A holding environment that can also be challenged because everything can be questioned, without the environment letting you down. We are that environment and we challenge each other.
- Development happens through gaining knowledge and experience. We want to provide the opportunity for both.
- We democratize development opportunities: in other words, we make them accessible to everyone.
- We strive for a balance between sharing and giving on the one hand and receiving on the other. The need at the moment is leading but we challenge each other to take the initiative.
- For development, sufficient rest and relaxation is needed. In addition, joy, fun and safety are essential. We find this at least as important as taking the next step in your development.